First of all, I love how they make the character's reactions realistic.
Second, I hate it when people get mad that Eugene didn't say "I love you" before he died. HE DIED FOR GOODNESS SAKE, if that's not saying "I love you" then what does? Dying is basically the biggest sacrifice someone can give.
Third, the writers, creators, etc. had kind of created a setting other than some movies where it's not really anywhere. Corona - The kingdom, is a Dutch-based setting. And they make it where, the castle is with the kingdom and protecting it, instead of watching the kingdom's every move.
Fourth, again, I loved how they showed Flynn and Rapunzel have a bit of realization in the campfire scene after Eugene's story, something clicks for Rapunzel, and she realizes she likes this guy. Something clicks for Eugene, and he realizes he feels something for this girl.
Fifth, the way Rapunzel gains confidence and courage during the Mother Knows Best Reprise, but then doubting her going against her mother knowing best, since that's all she knew. But then in the end forgets that fear, and lives her dream.
So that's just a review - or I guess opinion :D, bye guys! - Robs :)