Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Well I've been sick with the sniffles today, but I'm feeling better now. I've watched "Gnomeo and Juliet" - again - "The Canterville Ghost" - I think o.o - and watching "The Mask of Zorro". I hope everyone had a good day! - Robs O.O


  1. Sick Plan:

    Morning: DayQuil (If planning to do something or go out), Advil (If only staying home and resting) Tea, 7up (Makes your throat feel nice), and MOVIES!!!!! oh.. and cough drops

    Middle of Day: More 7up (If first can is gone), more advil (if it's time), More movies, or a nap while watching a movie, or a nap

    Night Time: NYQUIL!!!!!!!!!, More 7up (If needed while taking nasty nyquil), or SleepyTime Tea (yes it's real), or a cough drop again, or all three O_O, and SLEEP!

    Repeat this everyday until better :)

  2. AND LOTS OF WATER..... and 7up XD OH OH! AND IF YOU LIKE TOP ROMEN NOODLES YOU CAN EAT THOSE!!!!!! SO GOOD o_o and eat lots of vegetables and fruit. But you don't have to fit that into a schedule.
