Thursday, March 22, 2012

While I'm waiting for my school to come up..

I guess I'll tell you what's going on lately. I just finished up with my tests at my umbrella school yesterday morning. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, our proctor was nice too :). I've had a pretty good day so far, nothing out of the ordinary. As you all saw, I took Peytoni out, like I do usually every morning. Mom is heating me up some left overs for lunch.. so yes, a normal day. And well, you also already know I'm going to DW tomorrow. And today, I think mom did the same face as my sketch, when she watched the preview for the new "Dark Shadows" movie, with Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins. Yeah, we really loved watching that on Netflix, and now she is going.. :O. Yeah, I dunno about you all but, I'm good with the original.. just sayin'. Well, talk to you all later! :D - Robs O.O


  1. Please Tim Burton, don't ruin Dark Shadows for us.

    1. Yes, Tim Burton, you may have just killed Collinwood.
